The Jobtech Alliance helps jobtech platforms to grow and create more jobs. We have two offerings for platforms:
Catalyst Jobtech Accelerator
The Catalyst Jobtech Accelerator provides grant capital and bespoke venture building support for early-stage startups with high growth potential by deeply collaborating over the course of six months to build the foundations of the business.
Jobtech Innovation Lab
The Jobtech Innovation Lab works with jobtech platforms at a range of stages:
– Angel stage companies: $10k of upfront grant funding for very early stage (<1 year), with potential to unlock up to $50k of additional advisory and grant support.
– Growth companies and beyond: We collaborate on individual sprints (things like product development, operational innovations, or market expansion) which have the potential to enhance scale, inclusivity, or impact of platforms with their users through a bespoke package of technical assistance, management support, and grant capital over the course of 2-9 months, and seeks to gather learnings which could be of value to the rest of the ecosystem.

Acceleration Q&A
Which countries are eligible?
Based on current funding, we are only able to work with platforms operating (or expanding into) Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. In future, we hope to add additional countries.
What is the eligibility criteria?
Who selects the successful platform?
We have an independent selection group which reviews all propose platforms
What is the selection process and timeline like?
Our first Catalyst Jobtech Accelerator cohort will be selected in Dec 2022/Jan 2023 and the second roughly one year later. The Jobtech Innovation Lab will select platforms on an ongoing basis. There are no deadlines for application (although based on current funding, we are aiming to select all Portfolio start-ups by 2023). We screen all incoming applications on a biweekly basis, and will let you know progress. We may arrange exploratory conversations. Co-creation of Innovation Lab sprints is a back-for-forth process, and could take weeks or months. All shortlisted platforms are reviewed by an independent selection committee of sector experts.
Can I apply to both? Can I apply twice?
We have a central funnel. Any application will be considered for both initiatives. There is no benefit in applying twice.
Who is funding these initiatives?
These initiatives are funded by the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (both initiatives across 10 African countries) and other private donors.
Why is an ecosystem-building initiative working with individual platforms? Shouldn’t it be benefiting everyone?
Our acceleration activities seek to advance the entire sector. The Catalyst Jobtech Accelerator seeks to work with early stage startups that have the potential for venture-backed scale. This serves the dual objectives of building successful businesses, as well as creating buzz and excitement around the sector, with more entrepreneur and investor interest.