

Research & Resources

Here we collate key resources that are useful for jobtech platforms and others in the ecosystem. This includes the most valuable articles we’ve come across, and open-source resources useful for platforms and entrepreneurs

Jobtech Alliance Research

Jobtech Alliance Learning Studies

Learning Study #1: Platform Cutout

This learning study examines the "cutout" (disintermediation or deplatforming) phenomenon on job platforms, where users bypass the platform and engage directly in a transaction. It explores various approaches to address this issue: — from policing to the practicalities of value addition that founders need to consider, all the way to ruling out cutout risk by adopting new models such as vertical integration. The study draws lessons from the Jobtech Alliance's Venture Support work and broader engagement with the ecosystem.



Jobtech Alliance Landscape Scans

Platforms for Offline Work in Sub-Saharan Africa - Landscape Scan I

Platforms for offline work can play a key role both in making existing labour markets in Africa more efficient and effective, as well as creating new markets for labour. Platforms for offline work connect supply and demand for labour through the use of technology. Our goal for this landscape scan is to provide an introduction to jobtech for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and policymakers alike. It will shed light on the vast potential that jobtech has to enable the jobs of the future, but will also critically reflect on some of the challenges and dilemmas that are inherent to the growth of jobtech across Africa.



Platforms for Digitally-Delivered Work in Sub-Saharan Africa - Landscape Scan II

Platforms for digitally-delivered work are platforms where work is both mediated and delivered online. Our goal for this landscape scan is to provide an introduction to jobtech for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and policymakers alike. It will shed light on the vast potential that jobtech has to enable the jobs of the future, but will also critically reflect on some of the challenges and dilemmas that are inherent to the growth of jobtech across Africa.



Digital Services for Microenterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa - Landscape Scan III

Digital services for microenterprises are platforms that improve access to market, business performance, or productivity for self-employed individuals or microenterprises. These tools help improve microenterprises’ efficiencies and operations, increase revenue, and access new markets and customers. Our goal for this landscape scan is to provide an introduction to jobtech for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and policymakers alike. It will shed light on the vast potential that jobtech has to enable the jobs of the future, but will also critically reflect on some of the challenges and dilemmas that are inherent to the growth of jobtech across Africa.



Tech-Enabled Skilling in Sub-Saharan Africa - Landscape Scan IV

Tech-enabled skilling comprises edtech platforms that equip people for the world of work. This sector aims to overcome the poor educational infrastructure available to many Africans through scalable tech-based platforms. Our goal for this landscape scan is to provide an introduction to jobtech for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and policymakers alike. It will shed light on the vast potential that jobtech has to enable the jobs of the future, but will also critically reflect on some of the challenges and dilemmas that are inherent to the growth of jobtech across Africa.



Digital Tools for Worker Enablement in Sub-Saharan Africa - Landscape Scan V

Digital platforms that provide workers with tools that enhance their rights, benefits, and protections. The category does not include tools with no tech product or tech integration. Our goal for this landscape scan is to provide an introduction to jobtech for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and policymakers alike. It will shed light on the vast potential that jobtech has to enable the jobs of the future, but will also critically reflect on some of the challenges and dilemmas that are inherent to the growth of jobtech across Africa.



Gender and Jobtech Landscape Scan

The Gender Landscape Scan explores women's engagement with digital platforms for work opportunities and provides practical strategies and recommendations to facilitate the development of gender-sensitive Jobtech platforms and ecosystems that truly work for women across various sectors.



South Africa Jobtech Landscape

The South Africa Jobtech Landscape Report explores the dynamics of South Africa's evolving job market, highlighting the opportunities presented by the expansion of the gig economy, the potential of jobtech, and the challenges unemployed youth face.



Jobtech Alliance Refugee Research

Jobtech for Refugees

Jobtech Alliance's formative research on the opportunities and barriers for refugees in jobtech in Uganda. Learnings can be leveraged by jobtech platforms and entrepreneurs looking to effectively create job opportunities for refugee community.



Leveraging Digital Platforms for Urban Refugee Employment

Learnings from research conducted with refugees in Kampala to improve the sector’s understanding of the skills, capacities, and job desires of refugees, and the challenges they face in obtaining employment.



Empowering Refugees Through Digital Work: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Livelihood Opportunities

Digital work offers a transformative avenue for refugees to overcome traditional barriers, unlock economic potential, and achieve self-reliance. The handbook explores four key pathways—freelancing, remote employment, digital entrepreneurship, and content creation—that can empower refugees to participate in the digital economy.



Jobtech Alliance Open Source Resources

PILOT (revamped) Quality of Work Measurement Tool

This is a lean revamped version co-created by sectorial experts, to be tested and updated by the end of 2025. Jobtech platforms and other organizations interested in building more inclusive jobtech can self deploy and administer this tool (with some adapting for specific company/ industry context) among workers on the platform.



Jobtech Reading Library

List of most valuable articles and research we've come across that are useful as learnings for jobtech platforms, broader ecosystem members or anyone curious to understand more about jobtech space.


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e-Learning Course - Exploring Business Models in the Jobtech Sector

We launched an e-learning course in collaboration with VC4A and the Flip Podcast that delivers insights and case studies on the African Jobtech scene. The purpose of this course is to spotlight the nascent but rapidly growing jobtech sector in Africa and showcase different business models in the space. The course also shows how technology is playing a significant role in providing a solution to bridging employment and income gaps across the African continent.


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Other Resources

Strive chatbot

Business skilling chatbot tool for small businesses. It provides training and tips in mixed media format (text, images and video), on topics like how to improve operational efficiency, better manage finances, safely sell online etc. If you are interested to deploy the tool, please reach out directly to Strive team via contact details on the website.


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YES! Training Videos

Video content for skilling/ training on business management, soft skills etc. Available in English and Kiswahili, along with quizzes for testing. Please feel free to download the videos and self integrate into the learning/ skilling journeys you are building.


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