
Research & Resources

Here we collate key resources that are useful for jobtech platforms and others in the ecosystem. This includes the most valuable articles we’ve come across, and open-source resources useful for platforms and entrepreneurs

 Jobtech Alliance Research

 Tips for Running Marketplaces (both offline and digitally-delivered)

Tips for Start-ups Digitizing Microenterprises

Lessons on Workers, Upskilling, Rights and Benefits in jobtech

Lessons for Support Organizations in the jobtech space

  • Operating digital gig platforms in different regulatory environments – This comparative assessment report explores the regulatory environments for digital gig work platforms in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. It focuses on, labor policies, taxation, consumer protection, licensing, digital infrastructure and investment restrictions.
  • Support for Job Matching and On-demand Platforms Report – Analysis of job-matching and on-demand platforms in Kenya and Jordan to determine effects these companies and technologies have on jobs, particularly youth employment, and to offer recommendations for how to further develop the potential of this sector.


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